terça-feira, outubro 31, 2006

U.S. Housing Bubble

U.S. Housing Bubble

This article get out in New work times and is about united states housing Bubble. The article was written by Paul Krugman and talks about 5 stages:

1. Housing bubble? What housing bubble? “A national severe price distortion [in housing] seems most unlikely in the United States.” (Alan Greenspan, October 2004)

2. “There’s a little froth in this market,” but “we don’t perceive that there is a national bubble.” (Alan Greenspan, May 2005)

3. Housing is slumping, but “despite what you hear from some of the Eeyores in the analytical community, a recession is not visible on the horizon.” (Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, August 2006)

4. Well, that was a lousy quarter, but “I feel good about the U.S. economy, I really do.” (Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, last Friday)

5. Insert expletive here.

Este Artigo fala sobre a bolha do imobiliário nos estados unidos e as diversas fases que o mesmo processo vai passando, sendo uma preocupação neste momento. Embora a comparação seja difícil com o mercado que conhecemos aqui fica uma chamada de atenção para o artigo que achei importante.

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